BÚÉK! and Spam.

I finally started getting spam. Well, phishing emails, technically. From one specific source, some random VM probably purchased for just the occasion. No matter, checking the headers, I found DMARC would have successfully failed it. (Successfully failed? That's a thing, right?)

ProTips: Sarcastick truth

On occasion, I post quippy "pro tips" to Mastodon using the hashtag #ProTip. When I do, I try to be somewhat witty, but snark overcomes me, because they are often written at a moment when I experience the very problem I am describing. They seem like suitable topics upon which to expound, and I frequently think I should write about them. Then, I don't.

Of course it's RegEx.

It's the time of the year, Advent of Code is in swing. I am behind, having only just completed day 3. And of course, the obvious solution is a regular expression.

Ha! Yeah, right.

"It's a new year, so who knows? Maybe I'll post some things more frequently." That was last year. In January. Almost two years ago. Clearly, I don't know what I'm talking about. Though, to be fair, I did say maybe.

Boldog új évet!

It's a new year, so who knows? Maybe I'll post some things more frequently. Not that I expect anyone will read this, besides me. Anyway, here are some things I did in 2022.